Last change:  
         June 8th 2004

How to prepare your manuscript


1.             Please prepare your manuscript as a single document using a word processing program and save it as a .doc, .rtf or .ps file. All of these files will then be converted to .pdf files and sent back for a final check. All figures and tables to appear in the printable version should be inserted at the appropriate locations in the text.

2.             Any additional sound, image or movie files to accompany the internet version of the paper should be submitted as separate files.

3.             Standard fonts such as Times, Times New Roman and Arial are strongly recommended. When using Word, please insert all symbols choosing "Insert Symbol" from the menu and use the "Symbol font" to select your symbols for insertion.

4.             Before submitting the file(s) to the one of the Editors, please check your file for quality (completeness of text, symbols, resolution of the figures etc.) and size. Please try printing the complete file to paper to check that everything is displayed properly before submission. The file size of the complete manuscript for the printable version should not exceed 5 MB.

5.             Do not use (or allow your word-processor to introduce) any of the following: hyphenation, justification, automated numbering of references or tracking changes.

6.             Avoid incorporating equations as 'pictures' or 'OLE objects' in the text. Please use the 'equation editor' provided by your word processing software.

7.             Authors should ensure that the digit '1' and the letter 'l' (also the digit '0' and the letter 'O') have been used properly. The letter X and the 'times' sign, the apostrophe and the prime, and the hyphen and 'en' dash are further sources of confusion. Please check these carefully.

8.             Any special characters (e.g., umlauts, accents, Greek characters and mathematical symbols) should be used consistently throughout the text. Characters that you have difficulty reproducing should not be left as blanks, but should be replaced by another character (not used elsewhere in the text) and a key to such substitutions should be included as a note.

9.             The electronic file must be the final, corrected version of the article, including all revisions. Please pay particular attention to figures and references.

10.           For larger accompanying files, or in the event of any doubt, please contact one of the Editors.


General Arrangement of Papers


1.             The first page should carry the full title, the running title (max. 35 characters), authors' full names and affiliations, an abstract, and up to six specific key words.  The corresponding author should be indicated and the e-mail address provided.

2.             The abstract should be less than 200 words and should summarize the question being addressed and the pertinent findings; the key words should reflect significant aspects of the investigation as a whole.

3.             On subsequent pages, the Introduction (1.) should be followed by numbered sections: 2. Materials and Methods, or 2. Experimental; 3. Results; 4. Discussion; 5. Conclusions. When appropriate, Results and Discussion sections may be combined. Acknowledgements should precede References and should not be included as a footnote.

4.             Any repetition of information in the text and figures should be avoided.

5.             The Title should be a maximum of two lines (140 characters, including spaces). Titles should not be repetitive but state in a clear and concise manner the basis of the manuscript. The Editorial Office reserves the right to edit titles for length and clarity.

6.             Papers may be returned to authors for revision. Revised manuscripts should be submitted directly to the handling Editor.

7.             Nomenclature and abbreviations: authors should use the SI system of units. Abbreviations should be explained when first used.

8.             Tables should be used only when the data cannot be presented clearly in the text. The heading of the table should make its general meaning understandable without reference to the text.

9.             All figures should be designed to economise on space, and ideally should be made to fit one printed column (width 8 cm). They should be provided in the size they are going to eventually appear in the final version. Original figures should be of sufficiently high quality with respect to detail, contrast, and sharpness.

10.           Colour images are preferred.

11.           References should be numbered in superscript, in the order of citation in the text. The numbered list of references should be added at the end of the paper. Articles may be cited as 'in press' only if a copy of the acceptance notice is available at the time of submission. When preparing the final copy of your manuscript for submission, please do not use an automated referencing system.


1. N1. Surname1, N2. Surname2, Paper Title, Abbrev. Journal Title, 2000, 123, 295-300.

2. N1. Surname1, N2. Surname2, Chapter Title, in: N3. Surname3, N4. Surname4, Eds., Book Title, vol. 4, Publisher, Place, 2000, 295-300.

3. N1. Surname1, N2. Surname2, Eds., Book Title, vol. 4, Publisher, Place, 2000, 295-300.




The uncorrected proofs will be put on-line once available. The authors will be requested to return any corrections within the shortest possible time. If the authors wish to introduce extensive changes the proofs will be sent to the accepting Editor and be treated as a revised version. Amendments requiring this extra procedure at the proof stage may thus delay the appearance of the paper.


Requests for Permission to Reproduce Material from Published Articles


Authors or a third party wishing to reproduce figures, tables or brief quotations from the text of articles published in e-Preservation Science for non-commercial purposes may do so, providing the original publication is acknowledged accordingly. No special permission is needed from e-Preservation Science.


